Monday, July 21, 2014

Antique furniture Melbourne!

Antique furniture Melbourne!:

Welcome to Antique Furniture Melbourne, the place where you will
find amazing ideas about adding a vintage and antique note to your home
décor. Lot of fancy, yet elegant ideas how to mix the modern with the
antique and create a unique interior. Following the latest fashion trend, there is a great interest among Australians to have pieces from neo-classical style in their homes. Now there are great places to find  the newest unique pieces of antiquates throughout  Melbourne  that will turn your home in an elegant  ,classy, yet modern heaven with unique and stylish arts and fine antique furniture .Sharing is carin! :D

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Why is it better to buy a perfume online

When it comes to perfumes, it is believed to be the most trust-worthy expression of a human personality. All those scents and smelling notes  in some way discovers the characteristics of a person. Today , most of the people pay a significant attention when choosing a perfume , regardless of its cost. Now, almost every celebrity and fashion house has its own line of perfumes for different tastes, personalities and budgets. Buying perfumes could be a tough, because ,not every brand sells in every perfumery. Also, when newly exposed on the market, they are also sold in limited edition.That is one of the reasons why people in a great number, nowadays buy perfume online.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Buying present...

My mum is the most incredible person I know in the whole world. Although she is doing finances, she is a real art-fanatic in her soul. Our home is turned into a real vivid gallery with hundreds of paintings, sculptures and unique vintage ornaments, mainly in oriental Asian style. Since her latest obsession are colorful, handmade rugs and cushions from wool and silk , she is `desperately` touring around every shopping mall in Melbourne to rich her collection.
Yesterday, it was her jubilee 50th birthday. I couldn't think of a better present than set of two silky-touch oriental design cushion matching her new sheets in the bedroom.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tips and tricks when shopping online

Since I've become a real `expert` in doing the shopping online, I've made a quick research about some, at first sight, simple things that all online-shoppers should have on mind. After short reading, I realized that not everything is smooth and pinky in virtual shopping space. Although online shopping gives us many advantages like do shopping 24/7, no parking place worries and products delivered right in front of your door, there are some security traps we should watch out for. I share with you some tips and tricks everyone should pay attention at , so you'll have positive shopping experience while shopping online.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My perfume story

I do love to shop. In fact, I'm a real shopaholic. I love spending hours and hours in shopping malls, it's  like a relaxing therapy after the stressful day in the office. Since fashion is my passion, I adore buying tones of clothes and I know every possible store in the city. I mainly do shopping in the malls downtown, and spend hours to find some fashionable pieces at best price. I was a real skeptic about online shopping, since one recent situation when I made my very first online order. 

Last week I wanted to buy myself new summer-scent perfume. My friend recommended me Shock by Calvin Klein , so after work I went to the shopping center near the office. After visiting all perfume shops, I couldn't find it anywhere because it was on sale last week and was sold out. Driving home, I visited several other perfume stores, but it wasn't available anywhere. Later that day, I was complaining to my friend Lisa about the perfume, when she told me about an online shopping center she used to shop from. We did the research and fortunately I found few bottles from the perfume left.