Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Camping: Pack All the Fun You Can & Get in That Van!

Camping is a fun experience that I would recommend to everyone. Nature is beautiful, and camping is one of the best ways to explore it and spend a little bit of time in it. But, those who haven't been on a camping trip expect a tonne of fun without any input. I was the same, I thought that it would be interesting just by being there. But, it isn't, in order to have fun, you must do a few activities or else you will get bored really quickly and you won't have any fun. After some time has passed and all jokes are said and you've talked on any possible topic, the momentum gets lost and you become bored. So, let's talk about some of the best ways that you can entertain yourselves when you are in camping.

Watching TV

With RV TV mounting brackets and a TV you will have all the fun in the world. I know that you've come out to the woods in order to escape the technology that rules over us in the cities. But, when everything else fails it's a good idea. I would recommend a TV for those who are camping with small children. Sometimes you can't argue with kids, they simply want to watch their favourite films. In times like these, it's best to put on their movie and avoid all of the headaches. RV TV mounting brackets will ensure that your TV is safe when driving and their flexibility allows for you to watch something while enjoying your comfort.

Board Games

We all played one or another board game as kids. But, as we grow up, we leave them behind. But, they can be very interesting on a camping trip. They are fun and they often spark an interesting conversation. You might end up talking for hours and forgetting whose turn it was. You have a lot of board games to choose from. Plus, you can always add a bit of alcohol in order to increase the levels of fun.


I don't mean have some small talk that is meaningless. Have a deep conversation about all of the things that mean something in your life. Find out what you want in life and what you where you want to be in the future. Talking about these things with close friends can tighten the bond between you. Plus, you will get to figure out a lot of problems that are weighing on your mind.  

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